Tongkat Ali, roots, green leaves and powder have medicinal properties

How Tongkat Ali Benefits Male Health: A Comprehensive Overview of its Benefits and Side Effects

Oct 28, 2022
Discover all you need to know about Tongkat Ali, including its bioactive properties, health benefits, side effects, and recommended dosage. 
Sports supplement,  l-carnitine, capsules and powder

The benefits and Side Effects of Carnitine and CoQ10 Supplementation for Male Infertility

Jul 06, 2022
Carnitine and CoQ10 are two supplements that have been shown to provide a number of health benefits. In this article, we will specifically be looking at their effects on male infertility.
Middle aged couple happy and looking forward to a bright future.

What Is the Difference Between Andropause and Menopause?

May 24, 2022
Discover what makes andropause different from menopause, the symptoms experienced and how to combat them.
Folate Supplementation: Do Men Need It?

Folate Supplementation: Do Men Need It?

Apr 14, 2022
You have probably heard a lot about the benefits of Folic Acid for pregnant women but is it important for men too? In this article, we will be exploring the wonder B vitamin Folate, and how it could improve health in men.
blue matches or sperms?

How To Naturally Boost Sperm Count

Dec 16, 2021
So many men experience low sperm levels and hormone imbalances which is why Elan Healthcare has male fertility supplements designed specifically to help.
Drawing of a black moustache.

Movember: The Psychological Effects of Male Infertility

Nov 19, 2021
This November we help raise awareness surrounding men’s physical and mental health, both of which are major factors for male infertility and depression.
Dad and baby looking out the window.

Why Do Men Need A Prenatal?

Nov 08, 2021
Did you know that 35-50% of infertility cases are caused by male sperm issues? Thankfully there are a lot of natural ways in which men can improve the health of their sperm with supplements.
Man standing on a beach.

Male Menopause (Andropause) - Symptoms, Causes, and Treatments

Nov 01, 2021
Male menopause (andropause) is something that some men might experience that affects their testosterone levels, libido, fertility, muscle strength and more.
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